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Beyond the Moeller Technique Course

The materials contained this course were complied to be used in conjunction with my private drum instruction, drum set clinics, master classes and drum set group classes at The Berklee College of Music.

This course serves as an invaluable, organized, and compact resource of hand technique development materials.  This course can be used as an introduction and progression of concepts that goes beyond the Moeller Technique.  The main purpose of the course is to be used as a tangible and measurable program that can guide the student through a progressive path of studies that will lead to musical applications.  

The Beyond The Moeller Technique Course introduces the students to a considerable amount of possibilities using the Moeller Technique musically.  The materials contained here are inspired by some of my favorite Moeller Technique exponents, Samford A. Moeller, Jim Chapin, Vinnie Colaiuta, Steve Smith, Dave Weckl, Jojo Mayer, Dom Famularo, Danny Gottlieb, Joe Morello, among many others.  I encourage the research and awareness of all the artists mentioned here.

It is my intent and hope that by diligently studying the lessons presented here, students will be able to develop the ability to incorporate the Moeller motions, sequences and rolls to better and fluently enhance the time keeping, fills and solo ideas.


50% Complete

Two Step

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